an awesome movie diractor john woo takes on the video game industry. how does it go?

User Rating: 7 | Stranglehold PC
i love John woo movies and i love action games. Max Payne was one of the best third person shooter i ever played and John Woo Stranglehold has the same formula in gameplay, but how is the game?

all you really need to know about the story is that you play as a hero who need to save his family and in order to do that you need to kill a lot of enemies, and i mean a lot.

the good things about the game are the fast paced gameplay. STRANGLEHOLD is a third person shooter that lets you use a lot of slow motion moves to kill many enemies. its a third person run and gun game you really dont have any reason to use tactics in order to advance the level. it dosnt sound like fun but actually its just awesome and you really feel like an action movie hero. most of the game you will shoot non-stop and you will get some powers along the way. for example theres one power that lets you clean the screen from enemies, and one that gives you "god mode". the powers are fun but you will probably use only "god mode" because its the best power. and you also have some bullet dodging scenes.

but now lets talk about the problems in the gameplay. first of all the game is short (about 6 to 7 hours to complete) the online is dead by now and the game can really get repetitive for most people. the bullet dodging scenes are fun for couple of time but it gets old really fast.

before ill finish i just want to add the visually the game still looks good even today. characters look detail and overall design is good. the soundtrack is great. if you like games with non-stop action this game is for you but i can only recommend to rent it. its to short and isnt worth full price