If you've played Max Payne, this will come across as a very poor and embarrassing rip off

User Rating: 2 | Stranglehold PC
I gave up my hopes for quality in this game midway through level 1 when a cutscene popped up with this Tequila character you play... he's surrounded by triads and they TELL HIM where he should look next if he wants to put the dots together in his investigation/manhunt... then they proceed to try and gun him down, all at once.

That's absolutely retarded. I played alittle further into level 2 and I have to say, this game is incredibly boring. It's made for the console tard crowd = 12 year old's with big attitudes.

Think of all the "cool" in the Max Payne games, I'm talking gameplay... then remove any requirement for any serious hand eye coordination, then slap on a mindless run-and-gun mentality that reminded me of Serious Sam.

Visually a lot of nice texturing and tweaking of the Unreal 2 engine... it's still nice to look at by today's standards, but unlike the Max Payne games, it does look dated, and it does look like it depended on showcasing graphics to sell on release.... the Max Payne games are still enjoyable no matter how dated their graphic engines may be.

Which then brings us to the core motivation behind the game. This renegade cop story. Considering this is John Woo and Chow Yun Fat... basically THE duo that inspired the brilliance that Remedy came up with in those Max Payne games. The dual pistol wielding cop who slaughters gangsters by the thousands, all in bullet time... it's embarrassing like my first paragraph points out. And they call bullet time "Tequila Time"... thank Remedy for having the forethought of trademarking "Bullet Time" so you don't associate it with sub-par games like this.

If this were from an amatuer development team I'd give this is 6 out of 10 for trying, and making it look pretty. But the names involved, and the hype behind this game... the only reason why I'm not giving it a 1 is because it ran fine and didn't crash for me. That's it.

It's games like this that reinforce the juvenile mentality that fat socially awkward fanboys are the core audience for "games". And with the money that went into making and promoting this?.. there's no excuse... this game is a complete waste of everyone's time.