Still life works well on an atmosphere level a stroy telling level, b t as an interactive experience it's old school.

User Rating: 6.5 | Still Life PC
I enjoyed the general atmosphere of Still Life. Mystery forensics mix is pretty good. The timeline shifts from present to past are also great. But the gameplay is old fashioned, point and click everything you can see, solve puzzles, that can take so much time, you no longer feel involved in the larger story... not always well integrated into a more nauturally experienced game mystery. Puzzle solving has always been the "portal" to take a player from one stage to the next in the story but by now there have been far more successful adventure/mystery games that have managed to integrate story and puzzle in a more seamless experience. Lot's of dead ends in action and events or info that just won't be available without following the "on the rails" order of each pitstop you must hit, with no room to wander, in the story or environment. Good characters, good story telling but bad game challenges that feel somewhat unsatisfying, when all they add up to is a basic code solving to get a simple item, in order to continue the story. If you enjoy a brief murder mystery, with a decent story, but not much flexibility to play, than enjoy it. But an imersive game experience, it is not.. For mystery buffs, this ones too easy to solve, by about a third of the way into the game. It's just that you'll have to do a lot of predictable click and point to get to that mystery, even when you know, where to go, how to solve and who to question. A let down as a invovling game, enjoyable as a story told well, if you have the patience for the invisib le walls, character behaviour that relies on your having a specific object or clue, usable oblects abound, if the game would let you use them when it made sense to grab them. If it's not done in order of storyline, than don't look for alternatives. there's one way to solve, one way to walk through the story and unfortunately a weak non ending that relies on a sequel that still hasn't delivered from the game developer.