!!!!Jack the Raper

User Rating: 8.9 | Still Life PC
I don't know about you but for me this kind of games is dead. I don't exactly understand why, I know that I love adventures games and I've played a lot of these but know it just doesn't attract me so much (a pleasant way to say that it bores me a lot).

All you have to do in these games is to parse the screen with the mouse and click where the cursor shape changes. Ofcourse it is suppose to be fun, imaginative, to put your brain to work but is it really. Many times what the developers thinked doesn't match your way of thinking so the game reduce to a simple screen serch for clues.

There is nothing to say about the game itself, it's a fair one but with absolutely nothing special. The only good thing is there is also nothing really bad about it also.

And one more thing for the producers: you finished the game without revealing something (no spoilers), hoping maybe that there will be room for a follow-up. Well not for me, baby, not for me.