This review is a warning.

User Rating: 2.6 | State of War: Warmonger PC
The first emotion that struck me when I started playing the game was intense disappointment. It could even be classified as a shock.
I am not going to elaborate each aspect of the game as this is intended to be a warning to all those innocent gamers who are not well-informed of the gaming field(like I was when I fell victim when I bought this).
The story goes something like this: The world is infested with terrorists and your job is to flush them out.
For a game released in 2006 the graphics is out of place. The graphic engine was probably salvaged from about the year 2000. That was my first let-down. But the worse is yet to come.
Sound does not play a great deal but at least it isn't bad or irritating. Compared to the graphic and gameplay aspects it fares better in its field.
Gameplay... Don't even ask. The learnig curve is almost non-existant, unless you count that fairly done tutorial that is so uninformative. You can't build anything except a few defensive structures. All you can do is capture the buildings already on the map. The game is more difficult than building a real-life Terminator. Even the easiest level is way tough. There are some miscalculations on the part of the developer- like the difficulty. They seem to have ignored the fact that it should be playable. The problem is that you can't call it difficult . It is just plain impossible. There is this mission where a convoy of vehicles carrying nukes keep on moving right through the heavily terrorist infested areas(And you can't stop them or order them to move the way you want them to) and you are provided with a meagre army of slow moving units. Even worse, the enemy keeps sending bombers and fighters(which are much larger than the supposedly large units) to attack your bomb vehicles. And remember, this an easy level.
It appears tas if the developers have tried their hand at gaming for the first time and well... the result is upto you to judge.