For a $20 arcade game this is everything you would expect and more. Could easily sell for more!

User Rating: 8.5 | State of Decay X360
For $20 you can not go wrong. It will keep you busy for hours and when your done you'll come back for more wanting to do things just a little different. If your looking for a DayZ type game this really isn't it.

The fighting mechanics are indeed very Arcade-like with finishing moves. But with that being said the regular melee fighting is very satisfying with each kill taking different number of hits. Some will die with 6 hits, others with only 2. Melee doesn't feel very repetitive. Firearms are just as satisfying. You can hit a Zed (Zombie) a number of times in the torso and limbs but it takes only one head shot!!

The Driving in the game is very Arcade-like in a sense. Kind of like old GTA games. Each car and truck does drive and sound different though. Sometimes when traveling to the next town you feel that they don't drive fast enough. But the satisfaction of hitting and running over Zeds completely make up for it. Or when Zeds grab on to your door trying to pull you out while you bash them with the door until they go flying off. The game also does not feature any type of fuel gage for vehicles, which would have been a plus in my book, but what can you expect for $20.

The game features a Home base where you try and survive. But if you choose to uproot and move you base to another location you can. There are a number of other locations you can choose from, but choose wisely. It takes resources to do so. Also you'll want to pick one that is the right size. Each home base or home site location has different number of slots for your upgrades. There are a number of upgrades you can choose from and you will not be able to place every building on your home base so you'll have to pick and choose what is important. You can build and upgrade medical tents, gardens, watch towers to even libraries plus more! Each build or upgrade takes resources to accomplish. And you will even need to find specialized survivors for those tents. Each survivor has a set of traits. So you'll need some one who can cook for the kitchen, someone who knows medicine for the med tent ect. Each characters skills also increase with experience. The more you do something the more that skill rises. Kind of like Elder scrolls, just not as many skills.

There is Perma Death which is one of the best features of the game. Once a character dies, including the ones you start with, there is no coming back. you automatically switch to one of your other remaining survivors. And at anytime during gameplay you can switch to other characters in your group, give that they are not out on their own mission. Your group is pretty intelligent compared to games like Dead Island or Dead Rising where they just stand around like idiots doing nothing. Your group will actually head to town on their own to get supplies and do other tasks. Also after you've cleared out a house or business and there are to many supplies for you to carry, you can call your buddies to come help.

This is just a few of the options available in the game. All in all for $20 this is a must have. They could have easily sold it for more.
