Why did they do this

User Rating: 1.8 | Starship Troopers PC
When will game developers learn that more enemies does not under any circumstances make a good game, this game throws hundreds of enemies at you at once and expects you to enjoy getting killed over and over. This is not the only problem, the game has many bugs(sorry about the bad pun) there are graphics bugs, gameplay bugs, bugs with the sound effects and many more. Why did they take a perfectly good film and destroy it like that? They actually put footage of the film into the cutscenes too, one of the only actual resemblances to the film. I got half way through the story mode and decided to trade the game in and never speak of it again so you should be happy I plucked up the courage to review it. Suffice to say, this game could go down in history as one of the worst first person shooters ever. Be warned!!!