Wait a year for patches and mods to finish what feels like a half baked game, then enjoy what should be a great game.

User Rating: 7 | StarDrive PC
Stardrive appeared to be an extremely promising 4x game, something of a mix between Endless Space and Sins of a Solar Empire. Unfortunately, it still is an extremely promising 4x game, and little more. Lot's of little things just don't seem to work, and the game doesn't really let it go. However it is still a fairly fun game. Populated with charming (or just odd) races, including a race of space-faring mogwai's, and unsurprisingly evil Cthulhu's. And with the kind of epic moments that are a staple of this kind of game aplenty. If you are a fan of the aforementioned games, you may well thoroughly enjoy Stardrive, and should try it out, wait for a trial of it to pop up on Steam. It does feel half finished though, my recommendation is to wait for a year, when patches and mods will have 'finished' the game, pick it up, and enjoy.