I don't give out 10's easily, but this game is the best in its genre.

User Rating: 10 | Starcraft: Brood War PC
Starcraft: Brood War is the best RTS of all time. No other RTS will ever be as good as Starcraft. Gameplay: Where to begin? Starcraft is a classic RTS. You build miners, gather resources, upgrade technologies, build buildings, and assemble an army with which to wipe your foe out of memory. Starcraft is never, ever tedious, though. The addicting fun it provides lasts for years. It is still played online and offline by thousands of gamers. This is because it has an awesome strategy. The AI is intelligent, and the unit balance is superb. There are three races: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. The Terran are humans, and as such have what humans would (in some sci-fi world in the future) have. They specialize in huge machines that dish out tons of firepower. The Zerg are a truly unique race. They resemble insects, and play in the way you'd think an insect would. Your buildings all mutate out of a drone, the basic harvester. The strategy of the Zerg is not brute force, but rather enough units to easily overrun the enemy with numbers. The Protoss are hyperadvanced technologically. They have shields and cloaking technology. The Protoss strategy is more a balanced approach, using their advanced technology to overcome everything. It is this unique balance that makes Starcraft: Brood War constantly fun, online and off. The computer's AI is good, but not perfect by today's standards. Online, however, the real fun begins. Playing with up to 7 other players, you can have veritable bloodbaths of war, hundreds of units duking it out for control. Games can last for hours. The Gameplay of Starcraft is truly perfect in every way. Graphics: Graphically, for its time, Starcraft was the best. The graphics are not outdated, but still acceptable. Sound: The music of this game is great. The tunes are different by race, and the sound effects are absolutely superb. From the marines screaming in pain as they get blown apart to a Zerg Hydralisks attack, the sound effects match perfectly with what is going on onscreen. Value: Hundreds of hours of enjoyment? Check. Great single player? Check. Great multiplayer? Check. Yup, perfect. Tilt: Easily the greatest RTS of all time, Starcraft: Brood War will keep you entertained for as long as you continue to play it.