Become a starship pilot. Choose your side Galatic Empire or Rebel Alliance?

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter PC
Star Wars X-wing vs. TIE Fighter is a great game. It combines its to predicessors and allows you to view and play both vantage points in the game while still using the same character and whatever your current ranking is at that time of play.
You begin your career as a Level one Trainee and work your way up all the way to Jedi. Multiplayer games supposidly raise your rank faster, but I've never really seen that much of a difference between the two. From my experience, it always depended on your performace in the mission that determined how quickly you rose through the ranks.
The game play missions are pretty much the same, pitched melee battles between Imperial and Rebel forces in which you must complete or prevent objectives assigned to that mission. The graphics are nothing by todays standard, but for its time they are good 3d models. The sound of the game is a classical representation of what you would expect from a star wars ship battle.
I'd recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed the previous games of X-wing and tie fighter to get this game. I'd also recommend this game to any star wars fan.