Very fun game, it grew on me fast, and I want to play sequel.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
So, I don't own this game, but my buddy was dying for me to play it because he said it's good. I didn't believe him, because I have never played a Star Wars game before, but this game is extremely fun. You basically are Lord Vador's secret apprentice, and go around killing everyone he wants you to, for a while, I don't want to spoil it. The game really grows on you guys, solid gameplay, good graphics. You can customize your sword, character, and have a bunch of different power moves, my favorite is the lightning! This game is really a cool game, with lots to do, and replay value for sure. Also, I might add, the achievements in his game are extremely easy, if you like getting them easy and quick. If your not a Star Wars fan, and you come across this game, it's a very good rent, or buy it used, just overall a very fun game.