The biggest disablement of 2008.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed WII
you may have herd about this game on many web sites and gaming magazines but LucasArts lied to us all. they said that they wanted to make a good story but all they did is make 2 expect able endings and a story that is as good as a lucky charms commercial... O.K. i will tell the truth. the story is as good as one of the new Pokemon episodes. they also over power the stormtropers and other pepole you wipe away like a peace of sand. you can throw your lightsaber through a enemy and they live. (THOSE STORMTROPPERS LIVE, LIVED I SAY! A WORTHLESS STORMTROPPER LIVED AFTER BEING IMPALED BY A LIGHTSABER! I DOUGHT EVIN DARTH VADER COULD SURVIVE BEING IMPALED BY A LIGHTSABER.) The enemy's also can survive exploding from within, being pushed through a wall and then being shocked, and having a giant pole being thrown at them. The bosses are also overly powerful. (The 3ed hardest boss in the game is a mandalorein with a stick.) the graphics are O.K. for a WII game. The first play through of the game will last about 5 hours. Also there are over 200 extra things to find. All and all, this game is O.K. but all the excitement it generated before its release makes it the biggest disappointment of 2008.