Is this highly anticipated game all its cracked up to be? Find out in this full review.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
This is my first game with the 3rd incarnation of my review system, and im just gonna get an average and say what i think the game is, great or whatever as well as a numerical value. So here we go:


About 3 years ago these graphics would have been awesome, top of the range even. Unfortunately they have not really went with the times so to speak and with games like COD4 out and Fallout 3 coming out, they will show there age quickly. However, they do have some really good special effects as well as some totally fantastic lip syncing and large environments that do look pretty good. The character models, repetitive level design and limited number of enemy models just ruin what is a pretty decent looking game. On a side note, most of the boss battles are epic and awesome.


Since this is a STAR WARS game, you would expect, and receive a great musical sound track. On top of the great music is the awesome awesome voice acting and sound effects. No character over acts, or under acts but hits the nail on the head perfectly. My one nit pick is the fact that Darth Vader talks and breathes at the same time...which just sounds stupid. Its probably in the movies...but there ancient :P


SW:TFU is a a hack n' slash with some RPG stuff tacked on for good measure. And it is in fact a VERY good hack n' slash. The diverse levels(although its only cosmetic) add a sense of a epic journey of mass slaughter of several enemy types and bosses. On the subject of bosses, they rock. You spend a good 5 mins or so fighting each one, usually with changing arenas as you go and at the end you get some totally awesome God Of War reflex button press thing that shows off some kick ass force that kills the person out right...and it rocks. The force is also used to great effect, from picking up 3 storm troopers and throwing them as bombs into a AT:ST and watching it crumble under your might to using force lightning to kill every1 in sight, there are no ends to the amount of ways you can kill your enemies...and with a minor RPG system added on, it makes the game pretty fun. Put multiple endings and a story so good it should be made into a film and you get a winning combo until...Boredom strikes. This game is very short, and has loads of unlocks that you just don't care about. You have little to no inspiration to go through multiple times and if you do they game length goes down by about 5 hours...considering its only a 7 hour game its not good. On top of this, it does get pretty repetitive before the end and the Star Destroyer level can get on your nerves if you don't no how to do it.


A good game that is worth a rent, but no more...until it come down in price.

Score: 7

I good game that just seems to fall short of being great.