It's great to have power, but too many times it makes you feel too weak.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
I have heard many things about this game,and how ambitious it was. I really enjoyed the game until around the end of the game. At the beginning you have a limited amount of powers, (grip, and push) even with these 2 powers it feels really good, and allows your power to really mow through the storm troopers. Once I found that I started out on the 3rd chapter I started to realize how much the powers are starting to get useless. All I found was that I would be using Force Lightning so I could stun the creatures, and get in with my lightsaber. It was not too bad, but once they introduced the Chieftans that need to be sought out so that you can kill the other creatures, that just made the Force feel like it was secondary to a fighting game.

Even after that you get storm troopers that have shields that prevent force powers to be used on them. Now I'm not sure about anyone else out there, but isn't the force everywhere in the universe. Can you really shield yourself from this type of power. Playing further into the game I still had a lot of fun, until the Star Detroyer portion. Trying to bring down the Star Destroyer, and you get assaulted by the Tie Fighters. This really started to detract from the probably one of the most over sought after parts of the game. Watching all the videos out there they always liked showing that you could bring a Star Destroyer down by yourself using the force, but having to do it so many times and failing, it gets frustrating. Finishing this game last night I was just determined to get it done, and after that part it seemed that nothing could be as hard. Boy was I wrong.

You start the last chapter in the Death Star, and with no way idea provided of where to proceed, you have to fight through a lot of storm troopers, and various other foes. At the same time they throw an AT-ST, and an AT-AT right after at you. This was getting really frustrating as you take hits from all sides, and from things not even in sight. After clearing the room, with no indication of where to go, I wandered aimlessly taking out the storm troopers that would appear from doorways already cleared. Finally after just happening to use my force push in the right spot I found you go down. After that making your way to the center fuge, and the 3 rings you receive information of what to do.

Even with the frustrations, and mostly missing a lot of extra's (needs second play through) I still had a very enjoyable experience. The last fight was something you would not expect, and really explains more for the 4th (first in the series) movie than the 3rd movie ever did. This really should have been the movie, but I'm very glad it was not, because we then would have received a substandard game then.