The Force Unleashed. The title speaks for itself. Unleash the Dark Side in all it's might and glory!

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
The Force Unleashed in an experience unlike any other. For the first time in the history of Star Wars games you can actually feel that The Force is every bit as powerful as the movies make it. As Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice you will have powers which will make you feel like a god, throwing TIE fighters at people, compressing AT-STs into metal boxes and killing Jedi filth with a true Sith Lord lightsaber mastery.

All in all this is one of the best action games out there, and probably the best Star Wars game ever made. The game got somewhat mixed reviews, because of a supposedly bad camera, not good targeting system. Well, I just finished the game and I have to say, the whole deal with the camera and targeting is just a minor inconvenience. I didn't really notice it. There was maybe one point in the game where the targeting system really was an issue, but that's just one tiny thing, surely it doesn't matter that much when you're really into the game. People who say that the targeting system is a great flaw to the game probably didn't feel it as a whole experience. Because this game is not a sum of its parts, it's a whole new, powerful experience. Analyzing every single aspect of the gameplay is absurd, because when you put them all together they work just fine and the action is so intense and enthralling that you won't even notice some minor bugs.
Also I have to disagree with the opinion that the game tends to be frustrating. It really does not. Maybe one boss fight is a bit frustrating, but the cinematic after it is absolutely worth it. Anyway, this game deserves praise for many different things, here's some of them:
1. Face animation. You'll see all the facial muscles moving, the animation is very lifelike and looks real.
2. The physics of the game. Combining three physics engines in this game was probably the thing that would make or break it. Somehow they did it, and it looks and feels absolutely spectacular. You won't see a game with more realistic physics.
3. Absolutely incredible story, this does not get said enough.
4. Great boss fights. The ending sequences are simply mind-blowing.
5. A whole new approach to Star Wars. The game is innovative to such a degree it actually redefines some aspects of how we view Star Wars, and especially the Force.

I could go on and on for pages, but the message I wanna get across here is that this game is revolutionary and underappreciated. It is a masterpiece that you can experience on many levels and is really a breath of fresh air, not only for the action genre, but for the whole industry as well.