This game has so many great things in it, it should be a classic!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
This game uses some revolutionary gaming technology to immerse the gamer in the realism of the game. Metal bends like metal, wood like wood, and the story line is also another selling point. 'What happened between episode 3 and 4' could draw many people into buying this game, if not merely for the nostalgia of it. The prospect of controlling a force user with the ability to destroy as many things as there are in STAR WARS THE FORCE UNLEASHED is truly something you cannot pass up. The skill tree involving the spending of points and leveling up of your character is also a classic idea which brings in elements of RPG makes this game a masterpiece. It has many great ideas which it incorporates into the game very well. There is also a 'God of War' style boss fight finishing move that makes you press buttons in a certain sequence to finish the boss in a spectacular finishing move.

Anyway, I give this game a 10 out of 10 and hope there is more great games coming this way soon.