The force is...kinds sorta strong with this one?

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
This was a hard one for Force Unleashed has great graphics, an awesome story, and a fantastic physics engine, but for me games need great gameplay to be on my must buy list!

Story: Better then Episodes 1, 2, and 3 (I admit I like the Darth Maul fight in episode 1 though). The story progresses enough to keep interest and keeps to the good old fashioned star wars style. All the characters, even the new ones, are voiced perfectly and seem to have a personality. This is even worth a buy (when it gets cheap) just for the story.

Graphics/sound: In game graphics and cut scenes are done very well and the environments are interesting with a lot of interactive parts for you to use force push/grip on. All the star wars sounds are in there with lots of blaster sounds and light saber swinging.

Gameplay: Here is where it falls short of greatness. Action is basically hacking and slasing for the most part with the lightsaber. Using force powers like force lightning is fun but it wears thin fast. Boss battles are interesting but too easy same with regular storm troopers and other mindless enemies. Yep AI is also very very weak. Often enemies will just aimlessy stand there while you slash at them, no tactics really for combat, and I assume were hired from the special branch of stormtroopers.

Conclusion: Buy only if you are a big fan! As the license and story are the big ticket reason for a purchase. Action game fans who are not big fans of star wars will probably find this game ok for a while but loses fun factor too fast.