Another sequel that doesn't live up

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II PS3
Before buying SWFU II, I made sure I picked up the orginial which was going for about $15. I'm glad I did, because thinking of paying $75 for both games makes me feel much better then the thought that I paid $60 for SWFU II. Don't think that SWFU II is a bad game, it's really not. It's just not a very good game, and when you compare it to the original, it really shows what it's lacking.

First off, the story and visuals are impressive. However, this game lacks variety. First, it's short. Very short. It only took me one afternoon to play through this game, and I don't run through games quickly. Second, the levels are boring. The original had you play on a variety of planets as well as starship locations. Here you have only a handfull of locations with a lot of time spent looking at the same dull starship walls. Third, enemy variety is poor. You'll fight the same regular troopers, troopers that block lightsaber attacks, troopers that block force attacks, and mech throughout every level of the game.

The final battle deserves it's own paragraph. I'm not a big fan of the final battles in the original SWFU, but at least I felt I accomplished something by beating them. Here, I was more board and annoyed then anything. First is the platforming. I've played Mario levels that have less jumping then this stage. Second, the fight itself was just a bunch of rinse and repeat over and over. I was in more danger of killing myself by jumping of the platform then I was from DV.

I don't like the idea of downloadable content, but I actually think that's what this game should have been. It added to the story of the original, but can't stand on its own merits.