Bundleware (n) - mediocre software packaged together and sold at a discount. see "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"

User Rating: 1.6 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars PS2
For nearly five solid years everyone from KB Toys to EB Games has bundled this game in an effort to rid themselves of excess copies of Clone Wars. You're lucky if you can get 25 cents for it if you try to unload it at a used game shop, assuming they'll even take it in the first place. Do you think that the sheer level of worthlessness that this game has attained happens by accident? No freakin' way... it's earned, and in this case WELL earned.

Let's start off by taking a close look at the case it came in; it says "PS2" right on the front, right? So why is there a PSone game on the disk? This game is so ugly and poorly put together that either Pandemic ripped off Lucas Arts, or this is Lucas Art's very unsubtle way of giving Star Wars fans the finger. Either way someone is guilty of using the Star Wars name to peddle this retrograde trash to PS2 owners. Visually, this game is nothing short of an eyesore. Name a graphics glitch and you'll find it in Clone Wars. It clips. It tears. It slows down. It's like a veg-o-matic of "suck". Models may look okay standing still, but once things start moving it goes downhill quick. You really get the impression that everything is some kind of cardboard cut-out, even rocks look like two-dimensional props. Controlling the action on screen is a dicey proposition at best. The game designers were ambitious enough when it came to having you control a variety of vehicles and characters. The Clone Wars uses a "one size fits all" engine that basically reduces the control schemes for everything you're able to pilot/control into it most basic parts much like GTAIII did. Essentially, everything from a character on foot to a flying contraption is controlled using the same basic principles... in The Clone Wars this only served to guarantee that everything in the game was equally difficult to control. It's like playing a normal game with a fifth of rotgut sloshing away in your craw, as you rumble, stumble, and bumble your way through level after level. The developers were clearly out of their element and you're left playing a PS2 game which plays as if the programming code was optimized to run on a PSone.

Basically, the Clone Wars is a very crass and obvious attempt to cash in on the Star Wars name. The poor quality of this game cannot be excused away by saying many of the ideas were ahead of their time, or any such non-sense. The PS2 had been on the market for two years, and many of the concepts in this game were already put to good use by games from smaller publishers such as GTAIII. This is complete waste of time and cash; and really, aren't the jerks responsible for lousy movie tie-in's rich enough?