Not much to say... entertaining.

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes WII
It's hard to describe this game. The story isn't all that important to the clone wars story or the star wars story. THe controls are good, discluding jumping that is. The dialog is usually okay, about what you'd expect. Just nothing that remarkable about this game.
The story takes place between season one and two of the clone wars. I thought they could have done so much more with this idea, the clone wars is a great show but the game seems to limit itself TO the show, not wanting to explore anything beyond. It seems like they where trying to make episodes but wanted the viewer to play it resulting in weird gameplay and a lacking story. I guess I should expect as much, my little brother got the game to play as cad bane (hey the dudes an awsome character.) The cutscenes could have been better done but their a welcome relief from the talking heads at the bottom of the sceen.
Again the game is hard to describe so bear with me on game play. Against driods it's fine but when you need to fight a Dooku or Ventress it doesn't really feel like saber combat, it become kinda a button masher.
That's really it, not particularly good but not to bad. It just seems like the game could have been so much more if they had spent more time on the gameplay and story, they had the elements of a good game, at least entertaining but it felt like the makers where rushed. That's really it.
P.S. This game does not deserve a T rating it's E 10, there might be ONE part where a clone swears or something but Yodas constant guidence make the game seem like a giant tutorial at times. It's E10.