Buy this for $5.00 and you'll be okay...

User Rating: 5.7 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars & Tetris Worlds XBOX
Star Wars: Clone Wars is another classis example of how LucasArts can betray their fanbase through cranking out a video game based on one of their movies. It pays homage to the various sorts of war games that one can find- vehicle shooer, 3rd person shooter, etc. Controls on the vehicles are decent for the most part and simple to pick up. When playing as one of the varying Jedi (either Anakin, Obi Wan, or Mace Windu) you will simply disappointed with the lack of control you have. Play Mace Windu in the first level and watch him flail about with his lightsaber, and you will understand where this game will take you. One thing I will say about this, however, is that it does try to give the Star Wars fan a little material from in between Episodes II and III. While a good idea, there is clearly a noticeable difference between the gameplay in this and that of Star Wars Battlefront which mark this as one of the many mediocre attempts by LucasArts.

Tetris Worlds is good to feed the Tetris cravings we all experience from time to time. While not as engrossing or addictive as it's spinach green counterpart (I only played on Game Boy), it certainly gets the job done in a creative and colorful way.

Overall, I bought this bundled disc for $5 used, and for that price, I'd say it's a fair trade. Anymore than that... I'd wait to find a cheaper copy.