5 of the best Star Wars games are on two DVDs in this little package for less than $20. What is there not to like?

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Best of PC PC
Lets see here, we have 5 games: EaW, KoToR, JO, BF, and RC. Lets go into a little detail about each game.

Empire at War: The fourth RTS game made in the Star Wars universe, EaW is arguably the best. Including everything from Star Destroyers to Han Solo and Chewbacca, there is alot of tactical depth with the charecters and units. The Campaign has two fronts, one for the Empire, and one for the Rebellion. Each las about 20 hours each, and if that isn't enough for you, there is a mode called Galactic Conquest, in which you can battle a CPU over the galaxy across 50 planets and systems. On top of that, there is MP that is as good as the SP.

KoToR: If you haven't heard of KoToR then I dont know why you're reading this review, go google it. (thats how good it is, contender for game of the decade)

JO: Again, same as above.

BF: Ok so Battlefront is like Battlefield 1942 with Star Wars and in 3rd person, quit frankly, its a fun game.

Republic Commando: The only SW game in which you control a Clone, the only SW game in which you control a squad, the only SW game in which you are a special forces commando. If that isn't enough to convince you, then go vote for Hilary Clinton.

As you can see there is so much value here it is hard not to ignore it, do yourself a favor. Go get the Best of PC.