one of my frst n64 shooters and still a good game

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire N64
well this game isnt phenomenal like halo but dont think its a bad game. its far from it. although the controls are a bit wacky to some at first once you get the hang of it youll be havin a blast. you get right into the action in the first lvl which was well done. After that the lvls decline sightly but are fun none the less. its a good game if youve already have mario 64 and goldeneye and need somethin else on n64 to play. on easy through medium its a very easy game. on hard a challenge at the least and on jedi well i stuck on 2nd to last lvl. but the rest of the game is fairly easy for a expierienced gamer. a great game overall and plenty of fun to me