The Single Worst item related to electronics.

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire N64
I hate this game. i hate everything about it. someone with an I.Q. of 10 might enjoy it for a week. anyone intelligent however will be bored with it in 19 seconds. i am not saying this because it is old. compaired to most games of that era it is still the worst thing ever. i literrally find more enjoyment from pong than this. This is the gaming equivilant to a 7000 hour marathon of antiques roadshow that you arent aloud to get away from.

Pros- Involves Star Wars

Cons- Crap controls Crap Sound Crap Graphics(for that era) Crap story Crappy levels (thank god only 10 of 'em) Craptasticly Nonexistant AI (if you think thats cause of the N64 limitations, play Zelda Ocarina of time

Do not buy it. do not rent it. if you see it, burn it.