Irritating at times, but still pretty damn fun.

User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
The last part of the Rogue Squadron trio, but also the most entertaining in my opinion. As with the other two games, the controls for flying are pretty much the same, and you still get to play X-wings and A-wings and things like that, but there's also a new addition: some levels or parts of levels let you play on foot, as a character like Luke or Wedge. Sure it sounds fun, but there are times when it's a bit irritating, especially when you have hordes of stormtroopers shooting at you, and you can't seem to go in whatever direction.

Another annoying part of the game is when you're playing each level, and the bad thing is that if you fail your mission or lose all of your lives, then you have to start the whole mission over. Trust me, I've spent a lot of time replaying each mission, but then this isn't really all that new to the RS series. Anyway, great game, great sound and graphics, just wish they spent more time on those on-foot levels.