While an OK flight sim, it sacrifices far too much Star Wars realism. Come on an A wing being able to penatrate Sheilds

User Rating: 4.8 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
While an OK flight sim it lost to much Star Wars realism. An A Wing being able to penatrate a Star Destroyers Sheilds or even its armor? Not very realistic. The Mon Cal Cruisers are far to large. Also they have given raise to a bunch of misconseption about the Star Wars units.

The multi player is good but the single player just leaves its roots to much. They have Star Destroyers using Ion Cannons to destroy things. Any one who knows a little about Star Wars know that.

A: Ion Cannons can only disable and mess with electronics. Other than that they cause little or no physicle Damage.

B: What Lucas Arts have made into Ion Cannons are really supposed to be Octopule Turbo Laser cannons.

The shortness of it and lack of solid story leaves this game severly wanting.