User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
First of all i would have to say that the ground missions arnt that bad. Many people rag on the ground figthing for a few reasons. For one, the camra angles suck and the way everything moves around is just kinda lame. But the thing is, is that its still very fun. This may be a disappointing game but the graphics are great, the gameplay is good, the sound is superb, the value is great and overall its a great game. You cant go wrong with this game. It has multiplayer too so you can play with your buds and stuff. In some ways this game is even better than the other! I do have to admit though, that this game IS disappointing in a few ways. but overall, its a great game. Give it a rent first at least and you will see what i mean! I give an 8.0 / 10.0 -Justin