Exceeded my expectations.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Republic Commando PC
I'll admit. I didn't expect much from Republic Commando. But, I'm happy to say I was surprised. Its 2 years from its release, and the graphics don't look dated at all. The explosive effects, weapons fire and environment is beautiful. Not stunning, not perfect, but nicely done. It does a nice job of bringing you into the game without trying to hard. The blood spatter from close combat helps too, as does the not-really limiting view of the helmet, making the player seem that you were honestly in the helmet of a Clone Trooper. The background music, though I didn't really pay attention to it, meshes nicely with the game as well.

The gameplay itself was standard FPS fare, with squad based action thrown into the mix. Commanding the squad was easy, point and press. Although I wondered the distinction between using 40 to slice and 07 to slice, since both did the job. Likewise for setting demo charges. Being able to give specific commands to specific commandos would be nice, but then maybe I just haven't discovered the right keys. The weapons don't sound weak, the blaster blasts lighting up the hallways and such nicely and realisticly. Although I did do a fit on finding a lightsaber, but being unable to use it. Melee attacks come in handy, and I found myself going in hard and fast to stab the enemy just to take them down quick. Again, as mentioned in other reviews, my biggest disappoinment would be with the game's shortness. The game also makes me wonder why the Super Battle Droids in Battlefront 2 were so easy to take down, as compared to the ones here, where 2 SBDs is hard enough for a whole squad of commandos to take down.

All in all, a very good game, mixing in excellent graphics, easy to grasp gameplay and simple controls. Needs a sequel or something though. This is just too good to give up. LucasArts did a nice squad based FPS for its first try. Anyone have any comments or views on my reviews, do feel free to PM me.