truly Amazing

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Lethal Alliance PSP
This game is very, very good. But the only thing that bothers me, personally is that the game is to short. I won it in 3-4 days (Well I didn't stop playing until the game was over) and it was in easy mode. To make this game more challenging, play it in Normal or Hard. The game has almost all the best things needed in star wars games: The yellow letters in the beginning of the movies is there, the quote "I have a bad feeling about this", many species and languages, and princess Leia and Boba Fett. The only thing I miss is lightsabers. You play as two characters at the same time, Rianna Saren and Zeeo. You only have to move Rianna and Zeeo follows, but in fight mode you can use Zeeo a lot more. This game has also multiplayer features.