Interesting hybrid moves with your partner bring a little something to the action, but camera and controls are a letdown

User Rating: 6.9 | Star Wars: Lethal Alliance PSP
The Good:
-New moves learned after each level.
-Interesting acrobatics and gun-play
-Some turret action

The Bad:
-Turret action is frustrating
-Controls with analog nub are to touchy
-Locking system can be frustrating
-Save points too far apart
-Same old Star Wars, "Find out about the Death Star" theme

Gameplay : Storm Troopers, storm troopers, a boss or two, and then more storm troopers. This game doesnt bring much besides new moves after a level or two. There are many moves actions to remember in the game, which isnt so bad because of the little flashing face buttons indicating the ability. And limited ammo all your guns (even on your stock gun) wasnt very fun, either.

Graphics: For a PSP game, they are pretty good except for some minor frame rate problems. Blood for assassination moves would have been good as well.

Sound: Music didnt fit my taste. Plain and simple. Laser noises from past Star Wars games/movies has been kept the same.

Value: I got it for free from a friend. The level select feature is kind of nice, though.
------------------------------------------------- Overall, this game is fun for just a while. I recommend Lego Star Wars and Battlefront 2 over this game.