One of the greatest RPG's of all time.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
Knights of the Old Republic offers a very unique role-playing experience only found elsewhere in it's sequel. The characters are extremely well made, the story is fantastic, voice acting is probably the best I've ever heard in a game.
You get alot of choices when creating a character (gender, class, skills, feats, name, etc.) Your newly made character starts out as a soldier hired by the Republic in a war against the Sith. Your ship is attacked and you manage to escape to the planet below.

The story is genuinely immersive. You'll run into a few big plot twists (if you haven't already heard about them).

I like alot of the characters, and KOTOR gives you the chance to really get to know them through conversations.

You get to make alot of different decisions, adding alot of re-playability to the game.

One really interesting aspect is the morality system. Making charitable or noble decisions will lead you to the "Light Side", while cruel and selfish decisions will lead you to the "Dark Side".

Not only does which side you're on dramatically impact the story, but it also determines which Force powers you're best with. For example: a Jedi (good guy) will expend more energy using dark powers (such as choke or lightning) while a Sith (bad guy) will expend more energy using light powers (such as heal and stasis).

The Good
*Highly immersive story
*Well written dialogue
*Great voice acting
*A lot of abilities, skills, and force powers
*Well made, believable characters
*Good character customization
*The ability to dramatically alter the storyline

The Bad
*The combat system is innovative, but unengaging

The Just Plain Ugly
*Nothing in this game is bad enough to make it into this section.

Gameplay: (9/10)
Graphics:Great graphics, (8.5/10)
Sound: Nice sound quality, great voice acting, classic music (9/10)
Story: Extremely well made story, (9/10)
Re-playability: Very, very high. (9/10)
Overall: (8.9/10)

KOTOR is one of the best RPG's out there. I would recommend it to any role-playing fan.