My friend wanted me to write this review for him, but I haven't played it then. I finally played it, and here it is.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
The game starts off with your character having nostalgic dream. You wake up to find your ship bombarded with hordes of Sith! And the rest is pretty much up to you. Just go off killing as many Sith that show up all while collecting credits, weapons and other different items. You are led around for a little while by someone but then are left alone to fend for yourself when he goes off to fight a greater dark Jedi while you try to escape.

Gameplay - The gameplay could use a little de-bugging. There were instances when I was trying to slice through Kath-Hound and the hit detection would be WAY off. The battle system was done fairly well. This game is a real-time RPG so I was able to switch between any and all of my abilities and weapons when I wanted, which is a freedom I enjoyed. As for the weapons....WOW....anything a Jedi could ask for! Even things that Snake from MGS would be jealous of! Obviously the Light Saber, but what I loved more were the Vibro-Blades, Blast or Plasma Rifles and pistols, Frag or Ion Grenades, Ion Rifles, basically anything you'd need to fight this amazing futuristic space war, and everything is upgradable to an extreme extent and all the stats were shown. Even your clothes are upgradable. As for the powers, basically anything that a Jedi could possibly want! Oh my God these powers are insane. From Force-Push to Force Lightning going into Force Storm. You'd have disablitly powers, like suffocation and malfunction of robots. It does have linear stages, but they are massive enough to make up for the lack of free roam. As for the story, you learn more than you ever thought the series contained.

Graphics - Basically seamless. There were very little accounts of jaggies, although when you walked up to someone or something really closely, there was a little hint of transparency. Other than that, it's a visual feast!

Sound - Let's just is very, very Star-Wars. Everything sounds like it should from a Saber slashing through a robot to a gun blasting through a door. The music fits very well and seems like it would be in any movie. Voice acting was slightly cheesy on some accounts but still very well performed by most of the cast.

Value - This game is extremely long. It will keep you playing for hours on end and keep you comming back for more after you've beaten it. The story is intreguing and the way the plot unfolds is amazingly movie-esque.

This game will please any RPG or Star-Wars fan, that's for sure, but even people like I, who like niether the genre or the series will get an extreme amount of enjoyment out of it.