Great game, not as great as KotOR 1 though.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
Developed by Obsidian Entertainment because Bioware was working on Jade Empire at the time, KotOR 2 is definitely faithful to it's predecesor, keeping nearly the exact same gameplay style, converse system, etc, etc, of KotOR 1. Because of that, it is a great game. A few things bring it down though. The fact they decided not to develop a way to carry over you character from the previous game was a turn off for me. As a matter of fact, the lack of characters from the first one, with the exception of the mandelorian and the two droids, was kinda lame Carth and Bastila was only in it for like 5 minutes. It takes FOREVER to get a lightsaber. You start the game with force powers but for some reason takes a long time to get the saber. A jedi without a lightsaber doesn't seem right to me. You will also get to be way to strong later in the game, being able to kill a dark jedi in one hit. Besides that, there's something about this game, I'm not sure what, that just doesn't quite capture the magic of the original. Maybe it's because it's an incomplete game, maybe it's because Bioware didn't produce it. I don't know. It's still a great game and deserves to be played if you've beat the first one. Beat the #1 first though.