Though it's almost the same as the 1st one, it still lives up to the great game it's proceder is.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
Ahh, KotOR 2, this game made where everyone can love it. This sequel does what all good sequel's should do: improve on its proceeder. This game offers a lot of the thing the 1st one offers and more. it adds several new things and new cool characters to make this game worth buying.

Some of the new things, like influence, this says how much your fellow companions like you, and with enough you can unlock certain things with that character such as background, or training that character to become a jedi, or both. You gain influence by doing things the companions like; helping people or even killing them. The fighting system has been improved, the battles are cooler than before. There are many new items(A LOT of them) and double the feats, and lots more force powers.

The good old gameplay from the 1st KotOR are still in this game, the conversations, however are vastly improved. You can be even more evil in this one than in the first, and more nice. In this one the items you find, are at random, and ya never know what your going to find next. Also an improvement is the fact that you can upgrade almost every weapon, and the upgrades are built at workbenches, and they come in "marks" 1,2,3,4, and 5. The labstations are also new, grenades, health packs, stims, and more can be made at these. The bench and lab upgrades function by skills to what mark you can build.

Tho, some annoying glitches will appear if you play this on the Xbox 360, like my most hated glitch is when the game slows dramaticly when there's a large battle. There's also the occasional freeze up and a couple other glitches. Fortunately, these glitches don't effect the gameplay to much.

It has a great story beginning to end and is a very exciting plot. It referes to the 1st KotOR quite a bit as you uncover Revan's past as the Exile.
The Exile is a the last known jedi in the galaxy, but he wants to find the old jedi council members in hiding, and asking each one why they expelled him from the jedi order. And on top of that he has to face the sith treat, where 2 sith lords are trying to kill off the jedi and said, he's the last known one.

So overall this is a very amazing game and is every bit as fun as it's proceeder. This is a classic and should be played and owed by everyone.
The Good
-cool characters
-good create-a-character
-lots of items and weapons
-deep attachment creation
-most of the planets are great
-good amount of quests
-great story
-good graphics
-good voice acting
-descent sound effects
-turning characters into jedi
The Bad
-a little lag here and there
-Peragus is terrible
-some quests suck you in were you cant do anything else
Gameplay: 9.75
Graphics: 8.25
Sound: 9.25
Overall: 9.5