Star Wars; Jedi Powerbattles is a great game, with a bad rap.

User Rating: 8.6 | Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles GBA
Star Wars Jedi Power battles for the playstation was a bad game. The graphics were bad, the gameplay was confusing and glitchy, all-in-all it was a very painful experience. Believe it or not though the GBA version is actually FUN. Jedi Power Battles is a game based loosely on the events of Star Wars Episode 1 (don't be afraid though, cause Jar Jar is not even IN this game!!!). The game offers you the chance to play through as three main characters braided Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, bearded master Qui-Gon Jin, and the ever deadly and bald Mace Windu (who ironically wields a blue lightsaber in this game). The game has ten levels which all consist of you running through scenery and hacking up just about everything that moves. Each character comes with their own fighting style and Force powers (though this makes precious little difference in how you play) and of course each character has the mandatory lightsaber defence. Another cool addition is the abilitie to unlock Darth Maul as a playable character. No level in this game should require you to play it more then twice to succeed, but the character variation should give you a reason to play through it a second time. The sound is about as good as you'd expect from a gameboy game and the graphics are surprisingly good, though at times there are occasional lapses in gameplay where the 3D playstation graphics don't transition very well. All in all Jedi Power Battles is one of the better hack-and-slash games out for GBA today and (coupled with the fact that it shouldn't cost you over 15 dollars) is a definite pickup.