User Rating: 7.6 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast XBOX
Great gameplay but there are framerate and graphics issues that bring the score down. There is no denying the fun that can be had with the force powers and light saber. And the other weapons are pretty fun too. But in the XBox version the frame rate waivers between 15 and 30 fps and often for no good reason. Furthermore the levels are sometimes large (which is great) but an awful lot of the levels are filled with square shaped polygons and very little for lighting effects. So the visuals of the game have an almost retro effect like you are playing the first Jedi Knight game. There is a washed-out look to the textures that doesn't help the look of the game either. Basically, play the PC version if at all possible and avoid the console versions. On a decent PC, the game will have a steady framerate and the graphics will look better.