The Star Wars franchise returns with Jedi Outcast, the best Star Wars game yet.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
The games related to the Star Wars franchise work as sequels, prequels and midquels of the movies. Jedi Outcast is no exception. Playing as Kyle Kataran, you will encounter the dark forces and save the galaxy from doom.

While the weapons and their function are not what you would expect, the game runs pretty well when you use the force and a lightsaber. The battle mode when using such a weapon is delightful and very realistic. Apart from the saber, you will be able to do lots of combos and movements, which makes things even better. Apart from all these, the game posesses an original story which is set down perfectly well and will attract every gamer, as it is quite easy to follow.

However, all the latter are nonsense in front of the game's multiplayer mode, which is amazing. You will find that there are many maps to play in mostly taken from the game, and lots of characters to adapt to. You can customize your force powers, depending on how many force points you have. There are also many other customizations and game modes which make the multiplayer part of the game much better than the original story. And what matters if you are not online? The game will allow you to play with opponents controlled by itself.

All these would fall behind if there wasn't for the visuals. Jedi Outcast is designed with a magnificent engine, and that shown in some certain parts of the game. Unfortunately, sometimes they seem to crash, but it is not such important and won't stand in your way.

Generally, Jedi Outcast is a very good game for every fan of FPS games and the Star Wars movies. But even if you are not, you are still very likely to adore this game.