Luscas arts expands in Jedi Outcast.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
I picked up this game in the Best of PC pack while looking for Kotor. I got bored one day and installed this game on my PC. I was shocked to find that it was a First Person Shooter/ Third Person Adventure hybrid. I didnt know what to think. I dug a little deeper and found a game worthy to be called Star Wars.

You play as Kyle Katarn, Ex-Jedi and New Republic Agent. You recieve an alert that the Rement of The Empire is trying to infuse their soldiers with the Force. Led by thier leader, the Dark Jedi Desann, the Empire unleashes a full scale assalt on the Jedi Envlave on Yavin 4. Now Kyle must retake the path of a Jedi and stop Desann before its too late.

As in all my Reviews I focus on the Story. I found it detaled and full of suprises when I first played. The game takes you to many planets in the SW galaxy such as Yavin 4, Cloud City, and Nar Shadda. Due to the fact that this is an older game, the graphics are a little slow in spots but you'll soon forget all of that when you are surrounded by an army of Stormtroopers with a blaster as your only weapon. The first couple levels are done in First Person as a blaster as your only weapon, but soon enough you get your lightsaber and you'll all but forget your guns, all execpt for maybe a shotgun or two.

I give this a 9.0 and recommend it for all SW fans to play this game at least once on any System