An Unbiased Review: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - Too difficult, feels uncomfortable.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
This game is a 7.0 pure and simple, it's fun, it's enjoyable, and you'll die a total of at least 100 times.

If you run out of ammo in the later levels, unless you've perfected the lightsaber and are extremely lucky, you'll be incapable of continuing on.

This game really doesn't give you much direction as much as let you figure out what you're supposed to do... I remember I was trapped on the third level for quite a while, before I could actually do anything, and on the next to last level, those rocks were hard to spot, and the pathing through the swamps was poorly designed.

Nevertheless, it is a good game, but don't expect for this to be a stress reliever, as it will more often than not bring a degree of stress to you, in a high level.

It'd be nice if there was a map, but there really isn't any of a good variant, and it'd also be nice if there was a degree of logic or sense to one's position, but of course there isn't any of that either, and finally it'd be really nice, perhaps even KIND, if there was a logical objective branch... but there isn't that either.

Many times you'll die from something you can't see, when in truth you were sniped or cut by a thrown blade, and you'll find that you'll be saving and loading the same areas slowly but surely, as you fight to eventually get to a point where you don't have to worry, only to forget to save for 5 minutes and be sent back, and have to do it all over again.

Good luck with the game, and I do suggest you try it, as it is a classic and a great find... but I wouldn't even consider doing it on the hardest difficulty, after what I had to go through (and I've never beaten a game in more than 16 hours, and consider myself to be quite skilled at them) just to beat the final levels.

As for multiplayer support, when I first got this game it was there but lacking, as of now it is barely existent.

My best advice for this game is to read the manual carefully.

Best of luck,

- Cere.