A masterpiece game that still hasn't been topped.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Lucasarts broke the boring mold that the fps genre had become at the time.
This game was the first that allowed you to choose your path, the light or dark side. It also opened up the Star Wars expanded universe like never before. You play as Kyle Katarn, several years after the events of Dark Forces, as you embark on a journey on the path of the Jedi. You will battle 9 dark Jedi, finally leading up your final confrontation with Jerec, their ruthless leader who is bent on galactic conquest. Every movie sequence is done in live action, with actors, and amazing special effects.
This game is a break-through title that revolutionized fps's, video games, and Star Wars itself.
This game, in many ways, laid the ground-work for KOTOR, and of course, all of it's sequels. Jedi Knight beat out quake in so many ways that it's hard to name them all.
To wrap this up, if you haven't played this yet, do so asap!

Graphics: 9, great graphics and effects for the time (better than Quake)

Sound: 10, the sound sfx are so amazing, they're movie-quality, and the voice acting is outstanding!

Gameplay: 9.5, the game is downright fun! It's a great shooter, not to mention the lightsaber combat, and the various force powers. Along with the ability to choose your path, the live movie sequences, and the alternate endings that come from choosing your path.

Replayability: It's hard to get tired of this game, play it as long as you like.