Good for nostalgia now, but that's about it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
The first fps game that I truly dug myself into was Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. After hearing so many people scream about the awesomeissity of Jedi Knight, I decided to give it a go.


I'm sure this game was amazing when it came out. The modified Quake engine ran well, though I had major troubles playing on WinXP Home until I turned off my antivirus. Until then, I was scrambling with compatability mode just to keep this game from crashing. Unfortunately, saving a game (not quicksaving) still caused frequent crashes. I couldn't even use hardware accelerated graphics.

In terms of gameplay, I'm also sure this was astounding at release. It featured force powers and realistic-looking lightsaber combat.

But after playing the more refined sequal, I threw this puppy on "easy" and cruised through - playing just to soak in the story.

Play it for the story, play it to experience a part of PC gaming history, but definitely don't play it for a good time: not now anyway.