Although the graphics may not seem great, the perfect gameplay and excellent story make the game completely worth it.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Star Wars was a great movie because of its action, and great story. But could there be a Star Wars game with a different story, yet just as good as the movie's? YES! This is the game. Although the graphics may not seem great, the perfect gameplay and excellent story make the game completely worth it.

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2, is the sequel to Dark Forces. In this game you play the role of returning character Kyle Katarn. In this game Kyle tries to avenge the death of his father by finding the murder, plus doing something much more.... Many of the past characters from Dark Forces return as well as Kyle, some, even who are holding grudges from the previous game.....

What is unique about this game is how it can turn out. Depending on how you make choices in the game will affect the future. For instance, if you kill everything you see, and are very vicious throughout the game, then you will become a dark jedi, with a sithlord's power's. Plus, the story changes around, and the scenarios are different, including new objectives. If you are calm and patient, you will receive light jedi powers, and the game will turn out in a nice peaceful way....
As for the dark side ending........

Battle through many long, and hard levels with a huge variety of weapons, including the lightsaber, which you will achieve on your fourth mission. The weapons are very great too, and there are many different moves with the lightsaber which can be preformed. Detailed cut scenes feature real actors, which bring the story to life. But really, and truly, the story is amazing. It almost makes the game. The sound is great too. Featuring detailed weapon sounds, slashes, voices, and most of all, the classic Star Wars music. The game overall is very long, and the puzzles are very hard. So don't expect a run, hac-and-slash run through of the entire game, which may seem what it's like in the beginning of the game, because if you do so, you are in for a rude awakening, because more strategy is required later than meets the eye. Play in a first person or third person view with any weapon. What most prefer is guns/grenades/etc. in first person, and the lightsaber in third. But either way, any way, is perfect. It really has good gameplay.

Plus, you can play online, by duels, training, and many other types of games. Also, there are great cheats with which you can mess around with, and have a little less-serious fun. The levels in the game are all different, and the environments are unique and various. But I say that all Star Wars fans must play this game. The replay value in this game is perfect, you will play it over and over, and this game is very addictive. You will have so much fun you’ll forget what time it is. Although it may seem old, and the graphics are average (they aren't that bad, they are actually pretty good), if you look past the misfortunes of this game, you will be pleased and enjoy one of the most exciting and fun Star Wars games ever invented.

Thank you George Lucas, and LucasArts Entertainment for making such a wonderful game!