Nothing can recapture the sense of wonder I had when I first played this game, and when I still play it again and again.

User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Everything I loved in the first Dark Forces is better this time around. In addition to being able to be IN Star Wars, I get to be a Jedi.

I'm also a sucker for full motion video games. I love the characters. I love the world. I love the music and the places. It's just brilliant to be in Star Wars. I've played this game again and again. As the newer trilogy of movies has let me down, this is one of the things I go back to to make myself remember what I DO love about Star Wars.

As I recall, this was one of the first first person shooters to give you options other than "shoot at stuff". The force powers were rudimentary and lightsaber combat wasn't that deep. These things would be perfected later, but they were new and exciting here. In many ways, I think they still achieved perfection in this game, because nothing later had the same mood and feeling that this one did. Nothing can recapture the sense of wonder I had when I first played this game, and when I still play it again and again.