Can you say "BONER"....

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Well then play this game.

AND THEN...go play ever other one in the series. YOu get to use teh force to pick people up and throw them off cloud cities! you can strangle scumbags...blow up driods. Oh and instead of dressing up and feeling like a jedi all you have to do is click the icon on yoru desk. Now isnt that easier?!

You can wield a lightsaber to deflect blaster bolt! All teh while playing a 3d first person shooter!

Did I mention you can push thinsg with the force?

You get little portable turrets to put down so if your in a jam and dont think u have teh firpower to take out everything at once set a couple down and let the enemy come to you. All the while you blast, slice and explode yoru way through teh entire game.

If you like the books. Want a good story from lucas as usual. THEN PLAY THIS. And every one in the series!