Awsome, not the origonal, but is that so bad?

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
The game departs from the classic FPS and allows for more variation in the gameplay. The addition of the lightsaber, 3d graphics, force powers, third person camera, and multiplayer support give the game an almost compete upgrade. The guns, however, take a blow. The game focuses toward the lightsaber a little to much for a game with it's mechanics. I forget what the old weapons were called, but weapon 9, 0, and th one with all the pipes are sorely missed. The darkside ending made me feel so guilty that I started over, skipped all the levels, and wached the lightside ending to make me feel better. All said and done, the game offers more than the origonal and any gamer without it in thier collection is lost.