Nice job SOE I loved this game before the crap! God this game was great ya know almost a "real Jedi" before you got auto

User Rating: 2 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Nice job SOE I loved this game before the crap! God this game was great ya know almost a "real Jedi" before you got auto.
Noobs don't start ok we got the short end of the stick. And to all the Vet's I say play WoW so much better and immersive just started playing it and it's 2 nay 3 times better than SWG now. You see noobs before the Update you were able to go from Carbineer to Rifleman to a Chef from that a Bounty Hunter etc. Now.... yeah one choice... that's all ya get and there's only what 9 different professions when there used to be 25+! They tried making this a WoW clone, and they did, but uhh ya know without all the fun. You get alot more choices in WoW actually. Yes you have 1 path, but you also can have unique professions. Anyway Jedi used to take months (and I was so close), but no they had to move toward the noobs because they were losing money hell if ya ask me they've lost 100's from this !@#$. They pretty much telling us Vet's to hit the road it's time for the new generation where people can become a Jedi instantly. I really remember that in a movie where Obi-Wan asked Luke which profession he wanted. This game is nothing like the movies if that's what you're expecting if ya want to take time to become a Jedi go play KOTOR now there's a fun Star Wars experience. Another thing with the start of this new update there's no more Jedi v. Bounty Hunter that's right so your dreams of becoming a Fett-man are dead. Good job SOE and when I say good I mean way to take a perfect little MMO and !@#$ it and not just a little bit I mean !@#$ it hard! SOE you suck and you should be taken offline forever. What a rip-off for all the Vet's of the series.
For reviewers on the go read this!
This game sucks it used to be good, but SOE had to come up with one of there not so bright ideas and !@#$ the game. Avoid this game, avoid it at all costs don't believe the hype from the noobs who think It's fair for everyone if ya want to be a Jedi with no feeling of Accomplishment by all means get this game.
P.S. SOE if you do bring back the old game I might come back, but otherwise !@#$ it.