This is a imporvement no doubt. Alot of people are complaining, saying that thay are making it more for consol then pc.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
This is a real improvement, exept for traders, and the economy. But everything else is for the better
Like the combat system is now requierd some skills, not only getting your hands on the best weapons and armor and put attacks in a que...
Now you have to think, and try to hit it with the special attack at the right time, since the game is alot faster now, this can be a challange.
The going "public" with jedi is a good thing, and a bad thing.
Annoys me, since I unlocked my jedi along time ago, but with doing this, thay couldent make jedi some uber char. Something that is good. Its still a great combat profession, but now you need some skils to it.
The removeal of decay.. is a really bad ide, thay could remove it for the low level, but to keep the economy going thay should add it at higher level.