Such a shame that SOE decided to take a unique MMORPG and dummie it down for the consoles.

User Rating: 2.8 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Take a great MMORPG, dummie it down for a mass audience by giving it pseudo-FPS elements, and you have the new Star Wars Galaxies. I'd love to go on about how great the new changes are, but I cannot. SOE seems to not even care about what their community says about this New Game Experience. They claim it was brought about by input from players. One look at the Star Wars Galaxies Forums will tell you otherwise. Seems that they do not listen to their community, as evidenced by mass complaints on the forums by current players. To add to the insult, the new game is extremely bugged. Seems like Sony was not ready to launch this game on time.

The graphics are really nice, and the sounds and music are sampled straight from the movies, as you would expect from a Star Wars game.

Simply put, spend your hard earned cash on something else. If you are a Star Wars fan, look into KOTOR I or II. Galaxies is simply not worth paying into monthly.