this game isn't good but its not bad to get a < 5.0

User Rating: 8.1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
this game is alright at the most point but it doesn't suck at all. most of the people that write the reviews have a bad computer or a horrable video card. yes it does take alot of memory to run it but when u get a grofroce7800. it runs GREAT!. the grapics are really good on the people. i dont know what most people are eveing talking about. this game is not REALLY GOOD. but its not bad to get under a 5.0 this game lets you do alot of stuff as a jedi but the jedi isn't all that. there are lots of stuff that you can be. the world is huge. much bigger then WoW. when theres 10 planets and each the size of WoW. its really huge. plus the space that u can go rome around. dont belive anybody that writes bad reviews. for $20.00 for 3 games. a 1 mounths free. its really the price thats right. with the new patch this game is really easy to go on with.