dont let the score fool you, this is based on the free-trial only.

User Rating: 6.7 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I may be one of the few ppl out there who thinks theres something to this game. Sure the graphics can be crude & the spaceship movement is quite archaic & the missions repetitive but these are true of most MMOs, at least the ones ive played.

The games prologue introduction tutorial is the most interesting of any MMO ive played. Han Solo coming to rescue me & getting to shoot tie fighters in the Millenium Falcon was a blast, even if the TFs moved strangely slowly. It may sound like it throws you into the thick of it, but that is not the case. Think of it rather as a easy to handle crash course in the basics of the game. Missions (at least on the station) were also aided by the guiding pulse that leads you too your target. This may sound a bit aiding, but im not complaining.

Movement on foot is no different to most MMOs, WSAD being the move. However, unlike others you fight by aiming ur xhair at the emeny & rapidly bashing the left mouse button. Not the most sophisticated on systems but it keeps you involved in the process i suppose. When running you'll find at times you pass through objects, slack in terms of graphics, but on the plus side it means that you dont have to keep moving. One thing that did slightly bug me is that when firing, NPC shots had a habit of following me, but thats only a minor irritation.

Like most MMOs you can hunt NPC creatures & baddies & loot their bodies of stuff, usually credits or bodybits. However, as in other MMOs after youve passed a few levels. Bonus' are earned every few levels which normally amount to little more then a slight bonus in attack power (i couldnt work out if i was using them right or not because it didnt indicate if i was using them). However, that didnt cause me any trouble on the station as things are easily shot. I only died once when i let myself get swarmed by lizards.

Space is really rather an out of date manner. It plays not unlike space sims like Evochron, with the cockpit view (it didnt say if i could change it) & mouse & keypad for steering. Fighting in space isn't bad, at times it was quite fun, but one thing i noticed was if you pressed the fire button too quickly then it says command log full, or something like that, & the guns stop firing. For me at least, space flight never seemed like more then a diversion.

If your a die hard fan of Star Wars, you may feel a little insulted to see the star characters as they are used, for giving missions & such. I personally enjoyed going upto Han Solo or Boba Fett & saying hello, but thats me. The quotes from the film the loading screens give are totally pointles in my opinion, some seeming nonsenseical out of context.

Since I have only played the 10 day trial version, which limits you to the first space station (a big rip off if you ask me), I cant say what PvP & life on the planets is like. Since this review is basically a review of the trial this explains the deceptively low score. I liked what i saw, but felt ripped off by the extreme limitations placed on the trial game. As I see it, this is a game id happily play, but as with most MMOs not pay the monthly fees for ($100 a year or so isnt value for money). I do reccomend the trial, but dont expect to play it for 10 days (I only played about 4 hours before doing all it had to offer...although I only did it as one character [bounty hunter]).